Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 4: Software
tween the odometry and GPS positions. This has the advantage that the vehicle positions
have less noise than the GPS positions, but the dynamics are retained. The odometry makes
a minor error in the relative calculation of the vehicle position in the case of short distances.
It is also less sensitive to vehicle fluctuations. Over long distances, however, the GPS is bet-
Figure 62
Screenshot: Configuration –> Sensor Fusion GPS
Two tables, each with three columns:
Item: Shows which value is involved.
Setting: Input of the values
Unit: Unit of the value
The following values can be changed:
Min. accuracy for autosteering: Minimum accuracy of the GPS position so that the
position calculation is carried out.
Min. Speed: Minimum speed of the vehicle so that the controllers run to couple the
GPS position into the vehicle position.
Angle Controller: P controller that converts the alignment of the odometry to the
alignment of the GPS system.
Lat. Controller: P controller that draws the position in the lateral direction of the vehi-
cle of the odometry to the alignment of the GPS system.
Long. Controller: P controller that draws the position in the longitudinal direction of
the vehicle of the odometry to the alignment of the GPS system.
Antenna offset X: X position of the GPS antenna 1 with relation to the vehicle co-ordi-
nate system.
Antenna offset Y: Y position of the GPS antenna 1 with relation to the vehicle co-ordi-
nate system.