[Alarm Log]
[Alarm Log] displays an alarm list of the 10 most recent
alarms (numbered A1-A10). To obtain more details about
an alarm, press the navigation keys to manoeuvre to the
alarm number and press [OK]. Information is displayed
about the condition of the frequency converter before it
enters the alarm mode.
The [Alarm Log] key on the keypad allows access to both
alarm log and maintenance log.
[Back] reverts to the previous step or layer in the
navigation structure.
Illustration 2.8 Back Key
[Cancel] cancels the last change or command as long as
the display has not been changed.
Illustration 2.9 Cancel Key
[Info] displays information about a command, parameter,
or function in any display window. [Info] provides detailed
information when needed.
Exit Info mode by pressing either [Info], [Back], or [Cancel].
Illustration 2.10 Info Key
Navigation Keys
The 4 navigation keys are used to navigate between the
different options available in the Quick Menu, Main Menu,
and Alarm Log. Press the keys to move the cursor.
Press [OK] to select a parameter marked by the cursor and
for enabling the change of a parameter.
Illustration 2.11 Navigation Keys
Operation keys
Operation keys for local control are found at the bottom of
the keypad.
Illustration 2.12 Operation Keys
[Hand] enables control of the frequency converter via the
keypad. [Hand] also starts the motor and allows entering
the motor speed data with the navigation keys. The key
can be selected as
[1] Enable
[0] Disable
parameter K-40 [Hand] Button on Keypad
The following control signals are still active when [Hand] is
[Hand] - [Off] - .[Auto]
Coasting stop inverse.
Set-up select lsb - Set-up select msb.
Stop command from serial communication.
Quick stop.
DC brake.
External stop signals activated with control signals or a
fieldbus override a start command via the keypad.
How to Program
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