G3X/G3X Touch Install Manual - GDU 4XX Config and Post Install Checkout
Rev. AC
Page 34-69
Yaw Damper Setup
The next phase of setting up the Garmin autopilot system is to verify the proper functionality of the yaw
damper system on the ground in normal mode. This phase of the checkout requires a valid output from the
ADAHRS. This means the post installation procedures must have been completed on the ADAHRS before
performing the on ground autopilot normal mode checkout.
1. Leave the yaw damper disengaged and verify the rudder pedals can be manipulated smoothly with
no control system binding.
2. Engage the autopilot in YD mode.
a) With no GMC 30X Controller:
YD not supported
b) With a GMC 30X Controller:
Press the YD button on the GMC 30X
3. Verify the rudder properly moves to the correct direction by standing by the tail of the aircraft,
facing the vertical stabilizer, and pushing on the fuselage. The rudder should move AWAY from
you (the rudder should move in the same direction that the rear fuselage is moving):
Figure 34-25 Rudder direction
a) If the rudder does not move the correct direction, correct the yaw servo direction docu-
mented in Servo Wiring Checkout