Appendix L - List of Terms
A Microsoft® communication program that can be used to change the configuration or to
troubleshoot the 600-series controller boards.
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® web browser, which can be used to view and verify the
controller configuration over IP connection. You cannot change configuration settings
from the web browser.
A group of controllers that have the same Loop/Cluster ID.
Offline events
Events that are buffered at the controller the controller is not connected to the services
and database. These offline events are retransmitted when the services and database
are restored.
Relay Board
The relay board has 8 form-A SPST relays per board. This board uses/connects to the
RS-485 channel on a DSI (dual serial interface) board. Relay board supports either
General Output or Elevator control. The operation mode (general or elevator) is driven
by software settings.
Relay boards must have unique board numbers on the channel and can be daisy-
chained. Limits and stipulations apply – see chapter 2
RS-485 Channel
The DSI board has 2 sections, both of which have an RS-485 communication
port/channel. This channel currently supports technology such as Cypress Time clock
(1201) and the Galaxy Relay board (general output and elevator control).
S28 flash
This is the flash code file stored on the SG communication server that can be
downloaded to the controller's CPU. The CPU then updates the DPI boards.
Serial Channel
This is a term used to refer to the DSI Serial port. The RS-485 port on either section of
the DSI board is also known as the serial channel or 485 channel. The Galaxy software
requires you to set the serial channel to the desired mode of operation (i.e. general
output or elevator control modes). Other programming applies.
In the case of the System Galaxy, the server is the computer that runs the GCS Services
(i.e. the Communication/Event server) and the GCS_Event Service.
Unit ID
600-series controller CPU boards must be assigned a valid Unit ID that matches the Unit
ID at the software. This Unit ID is important to establishing maintaining connectivity on
the network (LAN/WAN). All controllers in the same loop/cluster should have
UNIT IDs. You cannot duplicate a Unit ID in the same loop/cluster.