Trouble Shooting
Verifying connections between Services
It is possible to have a red-X on the hardware tree if the IP connections between SG and/or
any of services are not established or panel programming does not match the system
NOTE: a diagram showing the connectivity between the Software, Services and Panels is
shown in Section 3.3. The diagram shows a simple (single-server) install with two 600-loops.
TIP: IF any of the controllers are not connected to the Event Server, turn to Chapter 2 Step-9 to
verify the controller is on the LAN.
Chapter 2, Step-6 covers the HyperTerminal
command. You can use that section to
retrace/verify you programming is correct at the panel.
IMPORTANT: Programming in the 600-series Controller (CPU) MUST MATCH the values
programmed into the software screens.
Chapter 2 Step-10 covers testing the Controller and has
Software Setup Quick Steps.
1. Check the Communication Control screen to see if Red-X shows up:
A red-X indicates that an IP connection is lost between the services (Start
troubleshooting at the top of the list and work down) Open the Services Windows
from the system task tray check the following:
2. Ensure that an outgoing TCP/IP Connection is shown to the next downstream
service in question
(you can force a
connect to server
from the TCP/IP Connection
tab from this service by right-clicking to get the command menu – you must provide the
correct port and IP address to the next downstream service).
3. Ensure that an incoming TCP/IP Connection is shown from the upstream service
for the service in question:
(you can force a
connect to server
from the TCP/IP
Connection tab of the upstream service by right-clicking to get the command menu –
you must provide the correct port and IP address to the downstream service).