Appendix Q - 635 DPI Installation
[STEP 2] FIND A VALID BOARD ID (via the software programming)
Failure to set a valid Board ID will cause door hardware to operate in an undesired fashion.
invalid board number interferes with ability to communicate or flash (IDs 1 – 16 are supported).
Do the following to determine which number you should use.
IF you are installing a new controller and no boards have been previously installed:
DPI must be set to a unique (unused) value between 1 and 16. Factory default is 16. You can keep 16 if it is
unused. Otherwise you must find a number that is unused within the panel – see the SG Controller Properties
TIP: After you finish setting IDs and installing the hardware, you will come back to this software screen and
add the board to the controller using the [Get Board Info] button to pull back the list of boards. (the CPU must
be connected to the Event service in order to pull the boards; you can manually add boards if needed)
TIP: the [Get Board ID] button also show the flash each DPI is running. The CPU and all DPIs should upgrade
to 4.60 (SG 10).
IF you are replacing a DPI for service/maintenance reasons:
Sign-in to System Galaxy and open the Controller Properties screen for the panel you are servicing.
find the ID of the board being replaced on the Interface Boards tab,
In Step-2 you will assign that same ID to the new 635 board so it will pick up communicating for the board that
is programmed in the software. You should not need to change anything in the software programming.
IF you are adding a new board (adding doors) to an existing controller:
Sign-in to System Galaxy and open the Controller Properties screen for the panel you are servicing.
Find out which IDs are already in use and choose an unused ID that is within the valid range (1 - 16)
(for example: if existing controller has already assigned boards 1 and 16, then 2 thru 15 are available).
from the menu, choose
Configure > ‘Controllers-600’
to open the Properties screen: