© Fulton Group N.A., Inc. 2021
Boiler Pump Control
The ModSync® can be configured to control the boiler circulator pumps. A
call for heat at the boiler will enable the boiler circulator pump. The pump will
remain enabled until a user defined timeframe elapses after the boiler is disabled.
The ModSync® can also be configured to control the pumps VFD speed. The
ModSync® will run the pump speed to match the boiler firing rate within a user
defined minimum and maximum speed. If boiler pumps are selected, isolation
valves will be unavailable.
System Pump Control
The ModSync® can be configured to control two (2) to four (4) system pumps.
The ModSync® will automatically rotate the lead system pump based on a user
defined number of run hours. The pumps will be enabled below a user defined
outdoor air temperature or a manual command at the ModSync®. The ModSync®
can be configured to control the pumps VFD speed. The pump frequency
reference signal will be generated utilizing user defined Proportional/Integral/
Derivative settings. The pumps can be configured to maintain the systems
differential pressure or differential temperature.
Configurable I/O
The ModSync® has a number of different configurable options available. To
accommodate these options the digital and analog inputs and outputs will need
to be configured to match the selected options.
This manual is provided as a
guide to the correct operation and
maintenance of your equipment,
and should be read in its entirety and
be made permanently available to
the staff responsible for equipment
operation. It should not, however
be considered as a complete code
of practice, nor should it replace
existing codes or standards which
may be applicable. Fulton reserves
the right to change any part of
this installation, operation and
maintenance manual without notice.
Do not install, operate, service,
or repair any component of this
equipment unless you are qualified
and fully understand all requirements
and procedures.
All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct,
and strict adherence to applicable
jurisdictional /professional codes or