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This manual is provided as a
guide to the correct operation and
maintenance of your equipment,
and should be read in its entirety and
be made permanently available to
the staff responsible for equipment
operation. It should not, however
be considered as a complete code
of practice, nor should it replace
existing codes or standards which
may be applicable. Fulton reserves
the right to change any part of
this installation, operation and
maintenance manual without notice.
Do not install, operate, service,
or repair any component of this
equipment unless you are qualified
and fully understand all requirements
and procedures.
All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct,
and strict adherence to applicable
jurisdictional /professional codes or
Alarm Configuration
Monitor Alarm:
The monitor alarm is triggered in the event that the ModSync®
is not receiving the main gas valve input back from the boiler. If the input is not
received within a specified amount of time, this alarm is triggered to indicate a
safety limit at the boiler is preventing it from operating and can be configured to
retry the boiler after a user defined amount of time.
Boiler Alarm Delay:
The boiler alarm delay will prevent nuisance alarms
by making sure the alarm is on consistently before locking the boiler out at
the ModSync®.
Sensor Alarm Delay:
The sensor alarm delay will prevent nuisance alarms
by making sure the sensor is out of range for an extended period of time
before triggering the alarm at the ModSync®.
Boiler Enable After Alarm Clear:
When enabled the ModSync® will
automatically enable a boiler if the boiler alarm is cleared at the boilers
flame programmer. When disabled the boiler alarm will need to be cleared
at the boilers flame programmer and then the user will need to enable the
boiler manually at the ModSync® before the ModSync® will bring the boiler
back into the sequence.
Clear Alarm History:
Selection that will clear all alarms in the ModSync®
alarm history.
Monitor Alarm:
The monitor alarm is defined as follows: The ModSync®
will send a heat demand to the boiler. The ModSync® then waits for
confirmation that the boiler is running by monitoring the main gas valve
signal from the boiler. During this time the Monitor Alarm Delay timer is
running. If the Monitor Alarm Timer finishes before the gas valve signal is
read, the ModSync® will place the boiler into a Monitor Alarm state. This
alarm condition is an alarm at the ModSync® only and will not show as an
alarm at the boiler. It is important that the Monitor Alarm Delay time is
long enough to allow the boiler to complete purge and ignition and enter
a run state. The Monitor alarm is used to indicate a non-alarm condition
that could be preventing the boiler from running such as an operating