Questions? Please Contact Your Local Manufacturer’s Representative
This manual is provided as a
guide to the correct operation and
maintenance of your equipment,
and should be read in its entirety and
be made permanently available to
the staff responsible for equipment
operation. It should not, however
be considered as a complete code
of practice, nor should it replace
existing codes or standards which
may be applicable. Fulton reserves
the right to change any part of
this installation, operation and
maintenance manual without notice.
Do not install, operate, service,
or repair any component of this
equipment unless you are qualified
and fully understand all requirements
and procedures.
All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct,
and strict adherence to applicable
jurisdictional /professional codes or
Firing Rate:
Displays the current firing rate of the boiler as read from the boiler
through the Modbus communication. Note that depending on the boilers
burner control and its settings, the range of the firing rate displayed may vary.
This may also result in some boilers not having the same firing rate when running
in Parallel.
Boiler #:
Enable/Disable button that will allow the user to manually Enable or
Disable the boiler. If Disabled the boiler will be removed from the L/L Sequence
and the ModSync® will shift in another available boiler. Note that the Enable/
Disable button will only work if the boiler is not already locked out due to an
alarm or some other limit locally at the boiler
Touchscreen option that allows the user to select the operation mode
of each boiler. In Auto mode the ModSync® will include the boiler in the Lead
Lag sequence, determine when the boiler is enabled, and control the firing rate.
When the boiler is in Manual the boiler will respond only to manual commands
made by Manual Control and Manual Rate %.
Touchscreen option that allows the user to Enable/Disable the
Modbus communication from the ModSync® to the individual boiler. When the
interface is enabled the button will display the boiler’s interface type (I/O, Sola,
LMV 3, EDR+, LMV 5). When the interface is disabled it will display Disabled.
When the interface is enabled the ModSync® will continuously attempt to
communicate to the boiler. If the boiler is not able to communicate for any
reason (for example if it is powered off for maintenance purposes) this will
cause long delays in the Modbus communication to the other boilers on the
network which can further cause inconsistent control of the remaining boilers.
It is recommended that if a boiler is being shut off, the interface to the boiler
be disabled first. This will prevent any problems with communication to the
remaining boilers. Once the boiler is back online the interface can be re-enabled.
System Configuration Menu
The System Configuration Menu allows access to multiple values used in the
initial configuration of the ModSync®. This screen can be accessed by selecting
the option from the main menu or navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
See figure 7.