Chapter 22
Oscillator (OSC)
22.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances, see the chip configuration information.
The OSC module is a crystal oscillator. The module, in conjunction with an external
crystal or resonator, generates a reference clock for the MCU.
22.2 Features and Modes
Key features of the module are:
• Supports 32 kHz crystals (Low Range mode)
• Voltage and frequency filtering to guarantee clock frequency and stability
• Optionally external input bypass clock from EXTAL signal directly
• One clock for MCU clock system
• Two clocks for on-chip peripherals that can work in Stop modes
describes the module's operation in more detail.
KL02 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2.1, July 2013
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.