Modifying Shape properties
Once a shape has been inserted onto your label, there are several properties that can be
modified via the Properties dialog box. To open the Properties dialog box, right-click on
the shape and select Properties. You will see five tabs – General, Properties, Outline,
Filling, Shadow – which allow you to view and change the position or appearance of the
shape. Properties that can be changed in these tabs include layer position, angle rotation,
corner definition, outline style and color, filling and shadow type. The Line shape only
contains two tabs - General and Outline – which allow you to change layer position,
angle rotation, and outline style and color.
The items under each of the tabs can also be viewed and modified in the corresponding
palettes. To view rectangle properties using a palette, select View>Palettes and select the
appropriate palette from the list.
Convert To Option
The Convert To option can be applied to the Rectangles and Ellipses. The Rectangle can
be converted to a square, polygon or ellipse. The Ellipse can be converted to a rectangle
or a circle.
To convert to a square:
Left-click once to select the Rectangle.
Select Format>Convert to>Square.
The shape changes to a square on the label. Filling, shadow and outline values
will not change.
To convert to a polygon:
Left-click once to select the Rectangle.
Select Format>Convert to>Polygon.
The shape changes to a polygon on the label. Filling, shadow and outline
values will not change.
To convert to an ellipse:
Left-click once to select the Ellipse.
Select Format>Convert to>Ellipse.
The shape changes to an ellipse on the label. Filling, shadow and outline
values will not change.
To convert to a rectangle:
Left-click once to select the Rectangle.
Select Format>Convert to>Square.
The shape changes to a rectangle on the label. Filling, shadow and outline
values will not change.
To convert to a circle:
Left-click once to select the Ellipse.
Select Format>Convert to>Circle.
The shape changes to a circle on the label. Filling, shadow and outline values
will not change.