Select the Top Arch effect.
Close or minimize the Text Style/Text Effects palette.
After inserting the two text fields, your label should look similar to the one shown
Inserting enhanced text
The next section will discuss ways to manipulate the inserted text fields.
Working with Text
Several actions can be performed on text fields once they’ve been added to your label.
These actions include moving, resizing, scaling, rotating and deleting. For our CD/DVD
label, first we will resize each of our text fields. Then we will move the text fields to a
new position. Complete the steps listed below to resize and scale each text field:
To resize the text field:
Left-click once to select the text field. The mouse pointer changes to the
Move/Edit tool and sizing handles will be displayed around the border of the
text field.
Next, move your mouse to one of the sizing handles. The mouse pointer
changes to a smaller Move/Edit tool.
To scale the text field, hold down the Shift key, left-click and hold the mouse
button down while dragging the handle in any direction. Scaling a text field
will retain its original proportions. As you scale the text field, the percentage
value of its original size will be displayed.
If you do not want to scale the text field, left-click and hold the mouse button
down while dragging the handle in any direction. Selecting different handles
will have different stretching or shrinking effects on the text field. As you
resize the text field, the point position (X and Y values) will be displayed.
(Please note: this applies to text effects only, not simple text. When
resizing simple text, the box will get larger but the text itself will not.)