Grid and guideline options can also be accessed by selecting View>Grid and Guidelines
Setup. This will open the Options dialog box and display the Grid and Guidelines tab, as
shown below:
Figure 5.31 – The Options dialog box
In addition to being able to toggle the grid and guidelines on or off, the Grid and
Guideline setup allows you to define the following settings:
Width – allows you to change the width of space between two neighboring grid
Height – allows you to change the height of space between two neighboring grid
Color – allows you to change the color of the grids.
Color – allows you to change the color of the guidelines.
Precision – allows you to enter the maximum distance for snapping objects to
Show Rulers – allows you to toggle the rulers on or off
Also helpful when editing your label design is the zoom feature. You can magnify the
zoom to as much as 400%, or minimize it to as low as 50%. To change the zoom
percentage, select View>Zoom and select a value.
Special Features
In addition to images and text, MediaFACE® 4.01 includes several additional insertion
features. These features include predefined text, bar codes and objects (OLE).
Predefined Text
In addition to custom text, MediaFACE® 4.01 also allows you to add predefined text. To
enter predefined text, select Insert>Predefined Text from the menu. The Predefined Text
dialog box opens and presents you with several options as shown below: