Chapter 3: Advanced Mode
Launching the Advanced Interface
There are several ways to launch the Advanced Interface of MediaFACE® 4.01. One way
is from within the Design Wizard. If you are using the Design Wizard to create a labeling
project, click the Advanced Interface button at the bottom of the screen. You can do this
at any point while creating your label. Remember, however, that once you open your
project in the Advanced Interface, you cannot reopen it in the Design Wizard.
Another way to launch the Advanced Interface is to access it through the Start menu. If
you kept the default folder location during installation, then click the Start menu and
Programs>MediaFACE 4.01> MediaFACE 4.01
The last way applies only if you created a desktop shortcut after installing MediaFACE®
4.01. Simply double-click the desktop icon to launch the Advanced Interface.
Please be patient as the application may take several minutes to load. When the
application opens, you will be presented with the New Project Wizard screen as seen
Figure 3.1 - MediaFACE® 4.01 opening screen
The New Project Wizard is one option when creating a new label project in
MediaFACE® 4.01. Like the Design Wizard, it is step-by-step process. The New Project
Wizard is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 5.
To open an existing project, you would exit the New Project Wizard by clicking the
Cancel button. A dialog box will pop-up asking you to confirm closing the Wizard.