Figure 4.2 – Customize Menu/Toolbar Dialog box
Custom options for menus include showing recently used commands first, showing the
default menu, resetting all menus back to their default and menu animations. Custom
options for toolbars include creating a new toolbar, viewing text labels for toolbar icons
and showing toolbar screen tips. Keyboard options include assigning custom shortcut
The Advanced Interface contains various palettes that can be accessed through the View
menu. Palettes are used to modify various parameters for drawing objects. By default, the
palettes appear stacked together in groups. The positions of open palettes and moveable
dialog boxes are saved when the user exits from the application. Unlike most dialog
boxes, you can keep palette windows open while working on a document. This allows
you to access the operations used most frequently or to experiment with different effects.
Layers and Image Library
The Layers and Image Library palettes are used to view and edit specific layers or
combinations of layers. The Layers tab allows you to turn a specific layer on/off for
viewing or printing purposes. The Image Library tab allows you to insert a picture from
the MediaFACE® 4.01 image library. The palette dialog boxes are shown below: