Main Setup
The first screen you will see is the MediaFACE® 4.01 main setup screen.
Figure 1.1 – The main MediaFACE® 4.01 Setup screen
Step 1:
Select a setup language. English is pre-selected as the default. To choose
another language, click once on the name and proceed to the next step.
Step 2:
Select install options. First, you must choose to install either the Full
or Trial version. The Full version requires a serial number to be
entered and gives you the full capability of the program. The Trial
version is a try-and-buy version of MediaFACE® 4.01 and will expire
after 30 days. The Trial version has all the features of the full version,
with the exception that fingerprinting of audio CDs is limited to 100
successful identifications of songs, and the image library of 500
images in the full version is restricted to 25 images.
Select Image Libraries. If installing the Full version, click once in the
All Libraries checkbox to install all available image libraries.
Step 3:
Click the Install button to continue.
You should now see the InstallShield Wizard Preparing to Install screen. Please be
patient as this may take several minutes to load. Once it has finished loading, you will
be presented with the MediaFACE® 4.01 Welcome Screen.