Do this for as many segments as you want the line to have.
To connect with the first segment, hold mouse over segment point until you
see a large black square over the point, as shown below:
Connecting first and last segments
Left-click once on this black square.
The shape will become a closed shape as shown below:
Closed shape
To resize the line:
Left-click once to select the line. The mouse pointer changes to the Move/Edit
tool and sizing handles will be displayed around the border of the line.
Next, move your mouse to one of the sizing handles. The mouse pointer
changes to a smaller Move/Edit tool.
To scale the closed shape, hold down the Shift key, left-click and hold the
mouse button down while dragging the handle in any direction. Scaling a
closed shape will retain its original proportions. As you scale the closed shape,
the percentage value of its original size will be displayed.
If you do not want to scale the line, left-click and hold the mouse button down
while dragging the handle in any direction. Selecting different handles will
have different stretching or shrinking effects on the line. As you resize the
line, the point position (X and Y values) will be displayed.