User Information
Next, you will see the User Information screen. Please fill in the appropriate information.
If you are installing the Full version, you will be required to enter the serial number
found on the back of the CD sleeve or on the CD booklet. Please be sure to type the
number exactly as it appears.
Figure 1.4 – User Information. Full version requires serial number for activation.
Please Note:
If at any time you need to reinstall the program, you will have to enter this
number again so
please keep it stored in a safe place.
Click Next to continue with the installation.
Destination Location
The next screen is the Choose Destination Location. This is where the program will be
installed on your computer. It is strongly recommended that you choose the default
location, "C:\Program Files\Fellowes\MediaFACE® 4.01\”. You can also change the
name of the program folder, but we recommend leaving it set to the default of
MediaFACE® 4.01.