Addressable Fire Panel MAGPRO96
- Installation and Programming Manual
The system automatically shows the first address in the system. You can check the device assigned at this address with
pressing the ‘LED ON’ button - the LED(s) of the device will light on permanently. Next pressing of the same button will
off the LED. Use the arrow buttons to scroll over addresses and loop number. The address is free if “Apply“ button is
active. Take the new device and connect it to the system - mount the detector or siren to the base or connect the mod-
ule to the loop. Press the ‘Apply’ button and wait for a couple of seconds. If the addressing is successful the message
‘SUCCESSFUL’ is shown on the screen. If the message is ‘ERROR’ then there is a problem - the device is not properly
connected; there is no communication with the panel. You can proceed with setting the next address or escape with
‘EXIT’ button.
You can use the “RESET“ button to reset the device condition. The button “Outputs“ is active only for modules with relay
outputs. Use the button “Outputs” to activate (dark letters) or deactivate (white letters) the module outputs. Change Address Menu
In this submenu the installer can change the address number of a device. To change address of a device, enter in the
installer’s menu - ADDRESSING - CHANGE ADDRESS.
Fig. Screen 12.
The system automatically shows the first address in the system. Use the arrow buttons to select the address and loop
number of the device you want to change. In the field “New address“ set the new address number for the device. If the
address is free the “Apply“ button will appear on the left on the screen.
To change the address press the “Apply“ button and wait a couple of seconds. If the address changing is successful the
message ‘SUCCESSFUL’ starts blinking on the screen. You can proceed with changing other address or escape with
‘EXIT’ button.
You can use the “RESET“ button to reset the device condition. The button “Outputs“ is active only for modules with relay
outputs. Use the button “Outputs” to activate (dark letters) or deactivate (white letters) the module outputs. Self-Addressing Menu
In this submenu the installer can perform self addressing procedure of devices to the system configuration. The self ad
dressing procedure is suitable when there are great amount of devices to be connected to the panel.
The new devices are prepared for connection to the system configuration - the loop line is ready but the devices are not
installed (the detectors and sounders are not mounted to the bases; the call points and modules are not connected to
the loop).
To perform self addressing, enter in the installer’s menu - ADDRESSING - START SELF ADDRESSING. The panel
shows the first free address for every of the MAGPRO96-L250 loops. Now the installer can start mounting detectors
and modules one by-one. The panel will set the displayed address number to the mounted device and automatically
proceeds with next free address in the system.
The self-addressing menu shows information about the total number of devices connected to every loop.
In the “Next Address“ field the panel shows the first free address for every of the loops. The panel skips all already set
address numbers and will jump to the next free address number. You can scroll over the address number using the ar
rows or directly enter a digits via the keypad.
In self-addressing mode the panel waits for connecting the device to the loop, automatically sets the current address to
the device and moves to the next free address number. With every one added device to the system configuration the
address count will increasing to show the total number of devices connected to the respective loop.
The exit of the menu is with pressing the ‘EXIT’ button.