Enterasys Matrix
DFE-Platinum and Diamond Series Configuration Guide
Chapter 9
Port Priority and Rate Limiting Configuration
, describes how to set the transmit
priority of each port, display the current traffic class mapping-to-priority of each port, set ports to
either transmit frames according to selected priority transmit queues or percentage of port
transmission capacity for each queue, and configure a rate limit for a given port and list of priorities.
Chapter 10
IGMP Configuration
, describes how to configure Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP) settings for multicast filtering, including IGMP query count, IGMP report delay
and IGMP group status.
Chapter 11
Logging and Network Management
, describes how to configure Syslog, how to
manage general switch settings, how to monitor network events and status while the device is in
switch mode, including the eventlog, command history, netstats and RMON statistics, how to
manage network addresses and routes, and how to configure SNTP and node aliases.
Chapter 12
IP Configuration
, describes how to enable IP routing for router mode operation, how
to configure IP interface settings, how to review and configure the routing ARP table, how to review
and configure routing broadcasts, how to configure PIM, how to configure LSNAT and DHCP
server, and how to configure IP routes.
Chapter 13
Routing Protocol Configuration
, describes how to configure RIP, OSPF, DVMRP,
Chapter 14
Security Configuration
, describes how to configure 802.1X authentication using
EAPOL, how to configure RADIUS server, , RFC3580, Secure Shell server, MAC
authentication, MAC locking, Port Web Authentication, multiple authentication, policy-based
routing, and IP access control lists (ACLs), Denial of Service (DoS) prevention, and flow setup
The following Enterasys Networks documents may help you to set up, control, and manage the
Matrix Series device:
Ethernet Technology Guide
Cabling Guide
Matrix Series Installation Guide(s)
Matrix WebView User’s Guide
Documents listed above, can be obtained from the World Wide Web in Adobe Acrobat Portable
Document Format (PDF) at the following web site: