© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
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11.2 Special functions
The gauge is switched ON. Press ON/OFF button for more than one second, the “Special
functions” menu will appear. You can call this menu at any time. The special functions menu offers
you quick access to the following items:
for print-out of screenshots or transfer to a PC
Light on/off: to toggle between enable/disable display backlight
Units µm/mils: to toggle between µm and mils
The quick toggle function to switch between the measuring units is recommended for countries that
are using both measuring units. If you change the measuring unit, the values will be refreshed
Once you have activated the special functions menu, use arrow up/down keys to make your
selection. Press OK to confirm or press ESC to abort and to return to the previous display.
Quick reference of Special functions:
print-out of screenshots on the MiniPrint data printer or transfer to a PC
Light on/off:
toggle between enable/disable display backlight
Units µm/mils
toggle between metric system (µm/mm) and imperial system (mils/inch)