© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
49 / 85
Use arrow up/down keys to scroll through the list of single readings of
your batch. The list shows the serially numbered readings along with
the measuring principle that has been used for acquisition of the
reading. If you have set tolerance limits, readings off tolerance will be
marked accordingly (> above limit; < below limit).
Readings that have been deleted will be marked by an “X”. Deleted
readings will not be included in the print-out, neither will they be
transferred or used for statistics calculation.
8.2.3 View statistics if readings are grouped into blocks
These statistics refer to the whole batch. If readings are grouped into
blocks (blocks size > 1), the batch statistics will be calculated from the
results of the different block statistics.
Press function key STAT from measuring mode to call the statistics
menu. Select “Statistics” and press OK to confirm.
As an alternative, you can call this function from the measuring mode
by pressing function key STAT twice.
The block value statistics includes the following values:
= number of
completed blocks
= mean value
= Maximum
= standard deviation
= Minimum
v= variation coefficient in pc (%)
8.2.4 View single readings and block statistics
The group readings into blocks (block size >1) option has been
enabled, press function key STAT to call the statistics menu. Use arrow
up/down keys to select “Readings” and press OK to confirm.
As an alternative, you can call the list of readings from the measuring
mode by pressing function key STAT three times.