© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
23 / 85
For measuring thick non-ferrous metal coatings on steel or ferrous substrates according to
the magnetic induction method (with F1.5, FN1.5, F5, FN5 or F15 sensors), a multi-point
calibration must be carried out. The thickness standards must be of the same metal as the
later object to be measured.
If using calibration foils, make sure they are placed in plane position on the substrate
material. Any air gap below the foils must be avoided as this would lead to erratic readings.
If the foils are curved, make sure to place on them on the substrate as shown below.
The precision thickness standards must be handled with care. Any wear-and tear of the thickness
standard will be reflected as erratic calibration value. Do not fold calibration foils. Any buckling will
cause air gaps below the foil and result in erratic readings. Keep thickness standard clean, free
from grease, oil, dust or other build-ups. Build-ups on the foils will be considered as thickness and
will lead to a measuring error of the same value as thickness of build-up. To give you a rough idea:
a build-up from a finger-print will be enough to add an additional thickness of some microns.
Please note:
If the gauge switches off during the calibration procedure due to low battery, the calibration
procedure must be repeated after batteries inserting fresh batteries.
6.2 Calibration methods
According to your setting of task, you may use different calibration methods. Measuring accuracy
depends on the selected calibration method. For more details please refer to section 13.2 Sensor
6.2.1 Factory pre-setting
The status line shows “Factory“ (“STD”)
The factory pre-setting is used for quick and easy measurement with a medium accuracy (for more
details please refer to section 13.2 Sensor Specifications). This calibration mode setting will be
valid as long as you do not choose and/or activate another calibration mode.