© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
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7. Data Management
7.1 Batches
7.1.1 General remarks
With all models of the MiniTest 700 series, readings, calibrations, statistics and parameters are
stored as a set of data into a batch, i.e. apart from the readings, a batch includes its individual
calibration, setting parameters and statistics. If you open an existing batch, the calibration and
parameters stored in this batch will become active.
Go to the main menu and select “Data base” to view all batches. The batch names (BATCHxx) are
The MiniTest 725 model features 10 batches.
The MiniTest 735 model features 10 batches.
The MiniTest 745 model features 100 batches.
If you are in measure mode, the currently active batch is shown in the status line (upper display
line). It is referred to as „BATCHxx“. xx = is the current number of batch.
7.1.2 Memory Size
The memory of the MiniTest 725 and 735 models are designed to store a total of 10,000 readings.
The MiniTest 745 model can store up to 100,000 readings.
With all models, the memory can be divided into batches according to customer requirements. So
you can use for instance the complete memory for one single batch only. The space of a batch will
be assigned automatically according to your requirements, i.e. you do not have to predefine the
size of a batch.
7.1.3 Parameters
All measuring series include the following parameters: “Calibration method”, “Substrate”, “Measure
mode”, “Roughness” (1/3 profile depth with “Australian” calibration method”), “Offset”, “Block size”,
“Upper limit” and “Lower limit”.
It may occur that not all parameters are available, this depends on the calibration method you have
selected (see table of parameters).