© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
17 / 85
4.4.1 Setting predefined parameters
Use arrow up / down keys to scroll through the list of options of the
main menu.
Press OK to confirm you selection, e.g. “Language”.
Press OK to confirm.
Use arrow up / down keys to select a language.
Press OK to confirm. Your selection has been enabled.
To abort, press ESC before confirming your selection.
You will go back to the language selection level.
4.4.2 Setting Numerical Parameters
Numerical parameters can be changed within their predefined ranges.
Use arrow up / down key to change as requested.
If there is no predefined value available (display will show „---.--"), press
arrow up key to show the maximum value and arrow down key to show
the minimum value.
A brief pressing of arrow up / down keys will change the value to the
next increment. Pressing arrow keys continuously will increase the
setting speed accordingly (as with the repeat functions of PCs).
Press OK to confirm your setting or ESC to abort and to return to the
previous menu.