© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
55 / 85
Select „Time/ Date“ to set day, month, year and time.
You can also fix a format of date and time.
9.6 Language
This menu item is for setting your requested language. If you have
accidentally set a wrong language, the flag symbol will help you to
quickly retrieve this menu item.
Use arrow up/down keys to select “Languages”. Press OK to confirm.
The currently set language will be displayed in the language as set.
Press OK to confirm or use arrow up/down keys to make your selection.
Press OK to confirm or quit without changing the language by pressing
9.7 Measuring unit
This menu item is for setting the measuring system. You can select
metric system (“µm“, “mm“, “cm“) or imperial (“mils”, “inch” and “thou”).
The measuring units within a measuring system will be automatically
set by the gauge according to the thickness being taken.
9.8 Switch off mode
The gauge features a switch-off mode to save battery life. In this mode,
the gauge will switch off after the time interval you have fixed if the
gauge has been idle for a while.
The time interval can be set to 1, 3, 10 or 30 minutes. If you do not wish
to use the automatic switch off, please select “disable”.