© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
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4. User Interface
4.1 Switch-ON and Start screen
At switch-on, the start screen appears showing gauge version and
sensor version being connected.
Approximately 2 seconds after switch-on, the gauges switches to the measuring mode of the last-
activated batch.
If an FN sensor is connected and if no readings have been taken so far, you can choose the
measuring principle via the keyboard.
Press arrow up key for Ferrous (F) (magnetic induction method).
Press arrow down key for non-ferrous (N) substrates (eddy currents method).
If you press OK, the Auto F/N mode (with automatic substrate identification) will be activated.
If you make no selection at all, the Auto F/N mode will be adjusted automatically after
approximately 5 seconds. In the Auto F/N mode, the gauge automatically identifies the substrate
material to adjust to a suitable measuring principle (magnetic induction or eddy currents).
4.2 Measure Mode Screen
Battery indicator
Status line
Maximum reading
Active measuring
Time clock
Number of readings
Standard deviation
Current reading
Miniumum reading
Measuring unit