© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 725, MiniTest 735, MiniTest 745
30 / 85
To achieve a maximum adaptation to the surface roughness of sample, you may use
several precision standards (50 µm max. thickness each) to lay them on top of each other.
Thin precision standards are more flexible than the thick ones and thus better adapt to
uneven surfaces.
Take at least 5 to 10 readings to calculate the average thickness.
Please note: With coatings thicker than 300 µm, the influence of roughness can be neglected.
That’s why for this coatings, the above calibration methods can be omitted here.
6.4 How to calibrate
6.4.1 General remarks
For all calibration methods applies:
The required calibration method is to be selected while you create a batch. Please refer to
section 7.2.2.
For all calibration methods except for the factory calibration applies:
For optimum calibration accuracy it is recommended to take several readings for each
calibration point. The gauge automatically calculates the average in order to reduce the
variations and erratic readings to a minimum.
Calibration may be effected in both, in the “single reading” mode or in the “scan” mode.
Once readings are stored in a batch, you cannot change the calibration method that has
been used for taking readings in this batch.
However you can recalibrate in the adjusted calibration method.
For a new zero calibration, you have to run through the complete list of
calibration points.
For the other calibration points, they may be recalibrated individually by
means of the precision standards.
6.4.2 Factory calibration (STD)
If the factory calibration is active, you may immediately proceed on
measurement after the batch creation has been completed.