EFKA FP220A5911
11.13.3 High Lift Walking Stitches
control panel
Number of high lift walking stitches
Upon pressing the external key “high lift for walking foot” depending on the setting of parameters 240...249, the speed is
limited to high lift walking speed. The solenoid for high lift for walking foot is switched on if the speed
high lift walking
speed. It is possible to program run-out stitches by means of parameter 185. This way, high lift for walking foot remains on
until stitch counting has been completed. The speed limitation remains effective during run-out time after the solenoid for
high lift for walking foot has been switched off.
11.13.4 High Lift for Walking Foot Operational Mode Not Stored
(Parameters 240...249 = 13)
The following function is performed if "0" run-out stitches have been programmed by means of parameter 185:
Press key “high lift for walking foot”; signal “high lift for walking foot” is On.
Release key“ high lift for walking foot”; signal “high lift for walking foot” turns off.
The following function is performed if ">0" run-out stitches have been programmed by means of parameter 185:
When the “high lift for walking foot” key is pressed for the first time at drive standstill, signal “high lift for walking
foot” is enabled and remains On after releasing the key.
When pressing the “high lift for walking foot” key” again at drive standstill, signal “high lift for walking foot” turns
If the signal “high lift for walking foot” is On when starting the drive, the speed will be limited. The signal turns off after
the run-out stitches have been executed, and the speed limitation will be disabled after the run-out time (parameter 152). If
the key is pressed down until after counting, high lift for walking foot remains On. If the key is pressed only briefly,
counting takes priority.
While the drive is running, if ">0" run-out stitches have been programmed by means of parameter 185:
Press key “high lift for walking foot” while drive is running; signal “high lift for walking foot” and high lift walking
speed are On.
Release key “high lift for walking foot” while drive is running; signal “high lift for walking foot” turns off after the
run-out stitches have been executed, and the speed limitation will be disabled after the run-out time (parameter 152).
11.13.5 High Lift for Walking Foot Operational Mode Stored /Flip-Flop 1
(Parameters 240...249 = 14)
1. Press key “high lift for walking foot” while drive is running; signal “high lift for walking foot” and high lift walking
speed are On.
2. Press key “high lift for walking foot” while drive is running; signal “high lift for walking foot” turns off
immediately, and the speed limitation will be disabled after the run-out time (parameter 152).
11.14 Speed Depending on High Lift
Operating Mode of Speed Limitation Depending on High Lift
Maximum speed
High lift walking speed
Speed depending on high lift with potentiometer
126 = 3
Speed setting depending on high lift
It is possible to program the assignment of the speed limitation to the 21 high lift levels.
Minimum high lift = maximum speed (n2)
Maximum high lift = minimum speed (n10)