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To exchange the seal in (left)
washing head
, pull the head off
directly from piston.
Details of (left) washing head.
Unscrew three screws using TX6
screwdriver and dismount the seal
cover. Remove the seal using tool
from unit accessories and insert
new in the same manner as in
working head. The spring leads
into the head slot.
To exchange seal in (right)
auxiliary head
loosen the inlet
capillary using side wrench 1/4".
Unscrew two screws using TX20
screwdriver from unit accessories.
Take out the purge/bypass valve.
Hold / bend the outlet capillary to
auxiliary head.
Further continue in the same
manner as for left washing head
and in the same way for
washing head
After seal replacement are the steps for mounting the same as during dismounting, but in
reverse order.
Pushing the head with new seal back on the piston must be straight.
Leaning the head to
sides may cause seal damage.
Screw in the left and right screw alternately into the heads of the each
blocks. Each screw must be screwed with the same number of turns.
New seals should be run in before first use.
Disconnect all equipment connected to the
pump output. Connect reduction valve (or another reliable hydrodynamic resistor) directly to the
pump output. Put the inlet tubing and output capillary into same reservoir with solvent
isopropanol: water 1:1. Set the flow rate to 10 ml/min., start pumping and set pressure at 10 MPa
using reduction valve. Let the pumping for at least 30 min (optimally 2 h). Keep the flow rate at
10 ml/min. and set pressure at 20 MPa. Let the pumping for at least 30 min (optimally 2h). Keep
the flow rate at 10 ml/min. and set pressure at 35 MPa. Let the pumping for at least 10 min
(optimally 30 min.). Then set flow rate at 1 ml/min. and pressure at 10 MPa. Let the pumping for at
least 10 min (optimally 30 min). Set the flowrate on 1 mi/min, pressure at 30 MPa and let the pump
run for 30 min. Seals are now set and run-in. Pump is ready for standard operation. Do not forget
to wash the isopropanol from the pump using your mobile phase. If the pressure decreases during
operation, it is necessary to run the pump in for a longer time (optimally). If you do not have a
reduction valve, you can use an old column, which meets the above stated parameters).