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Shorter tubing of part 2 (picture above) should
be connected between the pump and the backstop
on holder of injection valve. This tubing serves as
waste tubing from washing head, put through window
in valve holder. The opening of part 2 should be
connected with connector L, forming a 90° an
gel with
desktop, and is connected with one of two tubing,
connected to connector Y of part 1. This tubing
should be cut from 1 m silicon tubing part 1,
according to your needs. Second connector L is
pushed into the drain channel of pump, horizontally,
and is connected with second tubing of connector Y
of part 1. Third tubing of part 1 should be placed into
waste reservoir. Connector Y of part 1 is placed
under level of the working surface.
Replace the connector Y of part 1 at least 10 cm below the desktop.