Expanding Your System
Unpacking An Expansion Box
Each expansion box comes with the following accessories:
• One 50-pin to 50-pin cable (part number BC19J-1E). Use this cable
to connect the expansion box to the system unit or to other expansion
The expansion cable is 18 inches long. If a longer cable is used,
the system expansion capability is reduced.
• One power cord.
Before you set up your expansion box, make sure you have all the parts
shown in Figure 4–1. Check the contents of the box against the shipping
In addition, the RRD40 compact disc drive expansion box comes with a
50-pin terminator, an empty CD caddy, and a test disc.
50-Pin to 50-Pin
Connector Cable
Power Cord
L J - 0 0 0 5 7 - T I 0
B C 1 9 J - 1 E
Figure 4–1
Expansion Box and Accessories