25-24 SBW Destaging Delay
15 sec.
[0-3000 sec.]
Immediate destaging of a fixed speed pump is not desirable
when a momentary pressure increase in the system that ex-
ceeds the Staging Bandwidth (SBW). Destaging is delayed by
the length of time programmed. If the pressure decreases to
within the SBW before the timer has elapsed, the timer is reset.
25-25 OBW Time
10 sec.
[0 – 300 sec. ]
Staging a fixed speed pump creates a momentary pressure peak
in the system, which might exceed the Override Bandwidth
(OBW). It is not desirable to destage a pump in response to a
staging pressure peak. The OBW Time can be programmed to
prevent staging until the system pressure has stabilized and
normal control established. Set the timer to a value that allows
the system to stabilize after staging. The 10 second factory set-
ting is appropriate in most applications. In highly dynamic sys-
tems, a shorter time may be desirable.
2. Parameter Description
AQUA Drive Programming Guide
MG.20.O2.02 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark