CXR Larus 80-100-400 Issue 2 July 2006 page
3.4011 Provisioning:
54550-23 supports the AB input architecture for T1 input signals and provides
a TL1/ITL1 interface.
54550-24 supports the AB input architecture for T1 input signals and provides
a Menu interface.
54550-22 supports the AB input architecture for E1 input signals and provides
a Menu interface.
54550-21 supports the AB input architecture for E1 input signals and provides
a TL1/ITL1 interface.
The Model 54550 IMU and track and hold clock card must support the same input
architecture, AA or AB.
Flash EPROM for software updates; large enough to store both TL1/ITL1 and
menu versions of the software.
128K NVRAM for storing system data.
3.4012 Inputs:
a. Serial data link from 54541 or 54542 Synchronization Monitor Card(s),
reporting DS1/E1 performance, timing parameters, personality,
configuration, and (DS1) sync messaging.
b. Serial data links from 54522/54523/54591/54593 Track and Hold Clock
Cards A and B reporting their status (tracking, hold, freerun, or failed),
personality, configuration, and (DS1) sync messaging.
c. One-wire interface from all other cards, including each of the ten output
cards, for reporting their personality and configuration.