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Panel Options
Default Configuration
Installer Code
This code is used to enter into full Installer Program mode.
This code can only be changed while in Installer Program Mode.
The Installer Code must be between 4-8 digits in length
Duress Digit
A Duress alarm is created when the alarm system is disarmed by
increasing the last digit of the original user code by 1
example : the original code is 1234 , to activate the duress code
the code should be 1235 ( 123X x+1 )
Disable mains fail test
If the panel must be run off a DC supply or the Mains supply can
fail regularly, this option disables the mains voltage monitoring
to prevent mains fail alarms from occurring
Not selected
Images link
This feature used when panel uses the report channel SIA-DC09
( SIA-09 DCS) protocol type for CMS,
Checking this box consolidates the images links associated with
the same event for view created due to camera detection
Buzzer Enable
If this option is enabled it means that the buzzer panel is in active
Buzzer Reset Time
Buzzer Reset Time in minutes
1 minute
Cannot arm if the system
low battery or AC Fail
if this option is selected, the panel cannot be armed if the panel
battery is low or the AC has failed.
When the battery is fully charged or the AC has returned, the
panel can then be armed.
If this option not selected, the panel can be armed during these
fault conditions.
Not selected
Cannot arm when
keypad fault
if this option is checked and a missing keypad alarm is present,
the panel cannot be armed until the keypad has been