Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 - 1
T h e H o p p e r
Unpacking the Dr ying Hopper
System Components ................................................................... 1-2
Preparing for Installation .......................................................... 1-3
Positioning and Securing the Dr ying
Hopper Floor Stand to the Floor .............................................. 1-4
Installation of the HTC Control ................................................ 1-5
Installing the Hopper Cone Section on
the Floor Stand Assembly ........................................................ 1-8
Installing the Hopper Door, Upper,
and Lid Sections - Spreader Cone Weldment ...................... 1-9
Installing the Hopper Door, Upper,
and Lid Sections ......................................................................... 1-10
2 - 1
A c c e s s o r i e s
Ladder and Handrail Installation ............................................. 2-2
Drop Tube (Hopper Air Outlet) Installation ........................... 2-5
Installing the Cyclone (optional) ............................................. 2-6
Installing the Dr ying Monitor Probe ....................................... 2-9
HP Heater Pack Installation (If applicable) ........................ 2-11
Installing the Receiver(s), Purge Valve,
Modular Distribution Box(es), Loader (optional) .............. 2-18
Location and Mounting of
the Dust Collector (optional) .................................................. 2-19
Location and Mounting of
Vacuum Pump(s) (optional) ..................................................... 2-20
Appendix ........................................................................................ A-1