H P H e a t e r P a c k I n s t a l l a t i o n
The Heater Pack can be attached to several hopper sizes. See additional pages for various
54-inch hopper and larger - Mounting Heater Pack
with Separate Hopper Bracket
Begin by attaching the hopper bracket to the hopper
. Remove the
six bolts circled in Figure 1. These bolts will be located directly above
the hopper inlet, as shown. Save these bolts, as they will be used again.
Slide the mounting bracket between the flanges of the hopper door
. The slots in the bracket will match up with the open bolt holes
on the hopper flange.
Use the bolts previously
removed from the hop-
per flange to attach the
bracket to the hopper.
Make sure the bracket is
oriented with the side
slots closer to the bottom
flange for 54 and 64
inch hoppers, and closer
to the top flange for the
74-inch hopper.
Mount Heater Pack (HP) to the bracket.
Use 1/2-13 bolts to secure
the Heater Pack to the bracket.
See Figure 3.
Adjust the HP bracket and top elbow support bracket as needed
align the bottom elbow with the hopper inlet. Hose con-
nections between the heater tubes and manifolds can also
be adjusted if necessary. See Figures 4 and 5.
Pull back the insulation on the outlet tube of the HP.
Place the supplied gasket between the outlet tube flange
and the flange of the inlet tube on the hopper. Attach
the tubes together with supplied 5/16-18 bolts and nuts.
See Figure 6.
Figure 1
The hopper
mounting bracket
can be attached to
the Heater Pack
first if desired, then
the entire unit can
be mounted to the
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
The four
circled nuts in
Figure 4 can be
used to adjust the
bracket vertically.
The two
bolts circled in
Figure 5 can be
used to adjust the
upper elbow piece.
Depending on the age of your hopper, it may or may not have attachment
tabs on the sides. Refer to the next page for hopper models that have tabs.
Hopper Installation Guide