COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information - V02 06/2017
Priority List for External Calls
1. The ringtone specified in the telephone book, if the caller can be
identified as a telephone book entry
2. The ringtone defined for a specific account phone number, if the phone
number was dialled by the caller
3. The ringtone defined for a particular group number, if the group is called
4. The ringtone defined for the group call type, if an undefined group is
5. The ringtone defined for the external anonymous calls call type
6. The ringtone defined for the external calls call type
Priority List for Internal Calls
1. The ringtone specified in the telephone book, if the caller can be
identified as a telephone book entry
2. The ringtone defined for a specific account phone number, if the phone
number was dialled by the caller
3. The ringtone defined for a particular group number, if the group is called
4. The ringtone defined for the group call type, if an undefined group is
5. The ringtone defined for the external calls call type
Priority List for Door Calls
1. The ringtone specified in the telephone book, if the door can be
identified as a telephone book entry
2. The ringtone defined for a particular group number, if the group is called
3. The ringtone defined for the group call type, if an undefined group is
4. The ringtone defined for the door call call type