COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information - V02 06/2017
Local Answering Machine
Local Answering Machine
Control de la consulta remota
(only COMfortel 3600 IP)
Remote access via voice control is only possible in German.
Control por voz y código DTMF
: Remote access will be performed via
voice control and DTMF codes.
Solo código DTMF
: Remote access will be performed via DTMF codes.
PIN de consulta remota
The telephone is not a system telephone on the PBX
Remote access is enabled
When operating as a system telephone on the PBX, the PBX
specifies the remote access PIN. The remote access PIN matches the
user PIN entered on the PBX.
Freely selectable 6 digit PIN. Allowed are digits (0-9) and special characters
Número de consulta rápida
The caller who transmits this quick remote access number when they make
a call can, if quick access is configured, access all the recordings saved on
the answering machine without having to enter their remote access PIN.