COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information - V02 06/2017
Local Answering Machine
Local Answering Machine
In the Configuration Manager under
Ajustes > COMfortel >
Correo > Internacionalización
, you can set the language of the e-mails
and customise a user-defined linguistic template for e-mails to suit your
The answering machine sends a notification to the e-mail address, that
was configured in the telephone, when new message are present.
Enviar mensaje como archivo adjunto
New messages are attached to e-mail notifications in *.wav format and
then sent.
Marcar el mensaje enviado como leído
If the messages have been sent successfully, they will be marked as
Remote access
Consulta remota
Remote access is used to access and operate the answering machine from
another internal telephone or from an external telephone.
With the konwlegde of the PIN which was configured for this, a remote
access can be performed from a distant telephone.