D15362.16 DX70 and DX80 Administrator Guide CE9.13, JUNE 2020.
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Cisco Webex DX70 and DX80
Administrator Guide
Macros settings
Macros Mode
Macros allow you to write snippets of JavaScript code that can automate parts of your
video conferencing device, thus creating custom behavior. Use of macros is disabled by
default, but the first time you open the Macro Editor you will be asked whether to enable
use of macros on the device. Use this setting when you want to manually enable, or to
permanently disable the use of macros on the device. You can disable the use of macros
within the Macro Editor. But this will not permanently disable macros from running, because
every time the device is reset the macros will be re-enabled automatically.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Off
Value space: Off/On
Off: Permanently disable the use of macros on this device.
On: Enable the use of macros on this device.
Macros AutoStart
All the macros run in a single process on the video conferencing device, called the macro
runtime. It should be running by default, but you can choose to stop and start it manually. If
you restart the device, the runtime will automatically start again if auto start is enabled.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: The macro runtime will not start automatically after a restart of the device.
On: The macro runtime will start automatically after a restart of the device.
Macros UnresponsiveTimeout
Macros are continuously monitored to detect unresponsive code. Unresponsive macros are
typically a sign of a programming error, but occasionally it might be due to limited system
resources. Increasing the value allows macros to run for longer without being terminated,
while decreasing the value ensures that faulty macros do not consume system resources.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: 10
Value space: Integer (0..65535)
Set the number of seconds before terminating an unresponsive macro. The value 0
disables the check altogether.
Macros XAPI Transport
Set the xAPI transport method used in the macro system.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: WebSocket
Value space: TSH/WebSocket
TSH: The xAPI transport method for macros is t-shell.
WebSocket: The xAPI transport method for macros is WebSockets.
Device settings
Device settings