D15362.16 DX70 and DX80 Administrator Guide CE9.13, JUNE 2020.
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Cisco Webex DX70 and DX80
Administrator Guide
Video Input Connector [n] Quality
n: 2..2
When encoding and transmitting video there is a trade-off between high resolution and
high frame rate. For some video sources it is more important to transmit high frame rate
than high resolution and vice versa. This setting specifies whether to give priority to high
frame rate or to high resolution.
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: Sharpness
Value space: Motion/Sharpness
Motion: Gives the highest possible frame rate. Used when there is a need for higher
frame rates, typically when a large number of participants are present or when there is a
lot of motion in the picture.
Sharpness: Gives the highest possible resolution. Used when you want the highest
quality of detailed images and graphics.
Video Input Connector [n] RGBQuantizationRange
n: 2..2
The devices connected to the video input should follow the rules for RGB video quantization
range defined in CEA-861. Unfortunately some devices do not follow the standard and this
configuration may be used to override the settings to get a perfect image with any source.
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: Auto
Value space: Auto/Full/Limited
Auto: RGB quantization range is automatically selected based on video format according
to CEA-861-E. CE video formats will use limited quantization range levels. IT video
formats will use full quantization range levels.
Full: Full quantization range. The R, G, B quantization range includes all code values (0 -
255). This is defined in CEA-861-E.
Limited: Limited Quantization Range. R, G, B quantization range that excludes some code
values at the extremes (16 - 235). This is defined in CEA-861-E.
Video Input Connector [n] Visibility
n: 1..2
Define the visibility of the video input connector in the menus on the user interface.
Note that Connector 1 is the device's integrated camera, which is not available as a
presentation source.
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: Connector 1: Never Connector 2: IfSignal
Value space: Connector 1: Never Connector 2: Always/IfSignal/Never
Always: The menu selection for the video input connector will always be visible on the
user interface.
IfSignal: Yhe menu selection for the video input connector will only be visible when
something is connected to the video input.
Never: The input source is not expected to be used as a presentation source, and will
not show up on the user interface.
Video Monitors
Define the monitor layout mode. Note that this device supports only one screen, so this
value is fixed and cannot be changed.
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: Single
Value space: Single
Single: The layout is shown on the device's screen.
Video Output Connector [n] Brightness
n: 1..1
Define the brightness level for the device's integrated screen.
Requires user role: ADMIN, USER
Default value: 80
Value space: Integer (0..100)
Range: The value must be between 0 and 100.
Device settings
Device settings