S Layer 2 Managed Switch User Manual
example: Switch(aaa)# radius-server enable
NAS setting
radius-server attribute
Switch(aaa)# radius-server attribute nas-port num 10
IP of Radius-sever host
radius-server host <ip address>
example: Switch(aaa)#radius-server host
Note: IP of Radius-sever host must be in the same select with this switch.
Share key of Radius
radius-server key
example: Switch(aaa)#radius-server key abc
Note: the share key’s setting must be the same as radius sever’s setting, will be less than 30 characters.
IP of Radius-sever standby
radius-server option-host <ip
Switch(aaa)#radius-server option-host
Authenticate the port of Radius
radius-server udp-port <port no.>
Switch(aaa)#radius-server udp-port 1218
Note: the port num. must be between 1 and 65535.
Vendor ID of Radius
radius-server vendor <ID no.>
Switch(aaa)#radius-server vendor abc
Note: The verder ID no. must be less than 24 characters, and no need to change in normal.
6.4.4aaa setting example
As the below’s pic shows, S’s port 25 has linked port to www. Port 3 has linked one radius sever, and port 5 has
linked one pc, we’ll open the S’s authenticate function, and set port 5 to authenticate port, then port 5’s pc can visit
the www. The following is the method of connection and configure:
1): open the 802.1x ‘s authenticate function of switch
Login 802.1x’s setting menu:
Switch# aaa