700 CLD / O2
If the analyzer does not contain an optional internal sample pump, the sample gas
entering the instrument should be at a pressure between 10 and 25 PSIG with a flow
capacity at a minimum of 3 liters/min.
If the analyzer is using the optional sample pump, do not introduce a pressurized sample.
The optional standard pump is capable of drawing a sample through a ¼-inch heated
sample line of approximately 75 feet. The calibration gas cylinder pressures should be set
at 25 PSIG for delivery into the optional zero and span inlets located on the rear panel.
If the analyzer contains an optional internal sample pump, the
introduction of a pressurized sample gas in excess of 1.5 PSIG will damage the pump.
Sample Gas Bypass Outlet and Vent
A sample gas bypass outlet connector is located on the analyzer’s rear panel (¼-inch
tube). Pressure at this outlet should be kept at atmospheric level.
backpressure will
cause an error in reading. The vent outlet is located on the rear panel and may contain
high levels of ozone that should be vented away from the instrument.