700 CLD / O2
Error Handling
It is possible that an unknown instruction is sent, the analyzer is busy with a function that is not
the desired one, or an error occurred in the command parameters. The table below provides a
summary of all errors that can appear upon any master instruction.
Analyzer’s Acknowledgement Explanation
???? f
Analyzer does not recognize the instruction sent.
xxxx f BS
Analyzer is busy with another function.
xxxx f SE
Syntax error within command parameters or incomplete command.
xxxx f NA
Requested function or data not available.
xxxx f DF
Data error: The kind or number of given parameters not valid.
xxxx f OF
Offline. The analyzer is offline, in local mode. Only inquiry commands
and SREM (set analyzer in Remote Mode) are allowed.
f is the Error Status byte.
xxxx is the function code of the command being sent.