750 Manual
MBAP Header Description
The MBAP Header contains the following fields:
Transaction Identifier
2 Bytes
Identification of a Modbus request / Response transaction
Protocol Identifier
2 Bytes
0 = Modbus
2 Bytes
Number of following bytes
Unit Identifier
1 Byte
Identification of a remote slave connected on a serial line or
on other buses
The header is seven bytes long:
Transaction Identifier
– Used for transaction pairing, the Modbus server copies in the
response the transaction identifier of the request.
Protocol Identifier
– Used for intra-system multiplexing. The Modbus protocol is
identified by the value 0.
- The Length field is a byte count of the following fields, including the Unit
Identifier and Data fields.
Unit Identifier
– This field is used for intra-system routing. It is typically used to
communicate to a or a Modbus serial line slave through a gateway between an
Ethernet TCP-IP network and a Modbus serial line. This field is set by the Modbus client
in the request and must be returned with the same value in the response by the server.
All Modbus/TCP ADU are sent via TCP to Registered Port 502.
The different fields are encoded in Big-endian.
The 700 CLD analyzer uses only the Length
bytes from the MBAP section.