750 Manual
EUDP: Set TCP/IP Data Streaming Parameters
Configures a UDP channel for data
streaming of the measuring values via
Ethernet UDP.
Port: port for opening the UDP connection
Data Frequency: frequency for transmitting
the data in Hz
A: ASCII mode (optional)
UDP_IP: alternative IP address for opening
the UDP connection when it should not be
using the IP of the connected TCP/IP client
Data Format
DATA is any number of AK commands delimited by a semicolon (;). Replace spaces in the AK
command with an underscore (_).
If data is given, UDP_IP has to be set to a legal IP address or a hyphen (-) if default access
should be used.
If data is omitted, “AKON K0” is used as default streaming data.
Format of the Streaming Data via UDP
The measuring values will be sent with ASCII signs. The format is <sequence number> <data>
The sequence number will be incremented with every data packet that is sent.