1. Carefully inspect the Locator case for damage or
deterioration such as cracks or distortion.
2. Check all case securing screws are in place.
3. Check that the Wear Foot is in good condition and is
securely fixed to the Locator.
4. Examine the condition of all the labels ensuring they are
intact and all text is legible.
5. Check that the Loudspeaker can be unclipped from the
body, that the cable is undamaged and that the
Loudspeaker can be easily withdrawn and then refitted.
6. Examine the condition of the display for any cracks or
excessive scratching.
7. Check that the Sensitivity Control rotates freely over
three quarters of a turn without any binding and has a
definite stop position at each end.
8. Check that the Mode Switch has definite stop positions
for each mode.
9. Check that the ON/OFF Switch operates smoothly and
does not stick.
10. Inspect the battery compartment for any sign of dirt
or water.
11. Ensure the Battery Cover is in place and locks tightly
shut and that the Battery Cover seal is in good condition.
12. Inspect the Battery Holder for deterioration, distortion
or corrosion. Replace if necessary.
13. Confirm that the spare Battery Holder is present
and inspect for deterioration, distortion or corrosion.
Replace if necessary.
14. Check that the batteries are in good condition. Replace
batteries if incorrectly fitted, damaged or corroded.
Condition Checks
C.Scope Locators
It may be necessary to clean the Locator before performing the Condition Checks.