Performance checking
MXL Locator
MXL Locator
MXL Locator
22. Select ‘33kHz’ using the ‘Frequency’ button on the Locator.
The 33kHz icon should show on the Locator display and the
audio tone should be sounding.
23. Carry out a ‘SONDE’ depth measurement by pressing the depth
button twice and holding on the second press.
: The word ‘SONDE’ will appear on the display
and a depth measurement of 0.12m / 0.13m will be indicated.
Depth measurement accuracy can be confirmed by holding the MXL a measured distance
above the handle of the Function Checker and repeating the test procedure.
It is essential that the depth button is pressed twice in quick succession to select ‘SONDE’ depth measurement
(indicated by the word ‘SONDE’ appearing on the screen) and not a ‘Line’ depth measurement as this will give an
incorrect reading.
24. Press and hold the ‘Signal Current Measurement’ button.
: The ‘LO’ icon will appear on the Locator screen.
If all of the ‘Condition Checks’ (pages 9-10) and ‘Performance Checks’ (pages 30-37) have been
completed successfully then the Locator is operating correctly in all four modes and at all frequencies.