Performance checking
SGA Signal Generator
- black/grey
4. Press the ‘M’ button on the Function Checker.
Repeat until ‘Ind’ is shown on the Function Checker display.
5. Switch ON the Signal Generator. The Signal Generator should
automatically set itself to the ‘High’ power, ‘Continuous’ output
and ‘Loud’ audio settings and emit a loud continuous audio tone.
: The Function Checker bar graph should show an indication of 2/3 full scale
and the ‘33kHz’ icon should show in the top left hand corner on the Function Checker display.
If there is no audio tone, or the tone is interrupted every 2 seconds, then the batteries must be replaced.
Moving the Signal Generator in any direction away from its correct position ‘head to head’ with the Function
Checker will cause a reduction in the Function Checker bar graph response.
Function Checker
Function Checker